Building Lockdown
Ag - General
5m 19s
GotSafety's 'Building Lockdown' lesson is a vital module tailored for those who might face imminent threats within their premises. Given the unpredictable nature of certain emergencies, a quick and effective lockdown can be life-saving. This training extensively covers the reasons for lockdowns, the various levels of lockdown procedures, effective communication during such events, and the steps to take post-event. With real-life simulations and guidance from experts, viewers will grasp the critical measures required to keep themselves and others safe. This lesson is not just about procedure—it's about empowerment in the face of potential danger.
Up Next in Ag - General
Bullying in the Workplace - SP
La lección 'Acoso en el Lugar de Trabajo' de GotSafety aborda uno de los desafíos más insidiosos enfrentados por profesionales: el acoso laboral. Este módulo integral explora las diversas manifestaciones de acoso, desde la agresión abierta hasta las microagresiones sutiles. Enfatizando el profund...
Bullying in the Workplace
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