Electricity: A Basic Understanding
Auto - Electrical
5m 36s
Build your knowledge with GotSafety's lesson on Electricity: A Basic Understanding. In this video training, grasp fundamental concepts of electricity, including voltage, current, resistance, and circuits. Explore safe practices when dealing with electrical devices, outlets, and cords. Understand the importance of grounding and surge protection. Learn how to identify and address electrical hazards to prevent shocks and fires. By aligning with electrical safety guidelines and best practices, this lesson empowers you to navigate electrical systems confidently and responsibly.
Up Next in Auto - Electrical
Electricity: A Basic Understanding - SP
Amplía tu conocimiento con la lección de GotSafety sobre Electricidad: Un Entendimiento Básico. En este entrenamiento en video, comprende conceptos fundamentales de la electricidad, incluyendo voltaje, corriente, resistencia y circuitos. Explora prácticas seguras al tratar con dispositivos eléctr...
Electricity: Low Voltage - SP
Prepárate para aumentar tu conciencia de seguridad con la esclarecedora lección de GotSafety sobre 'Electricidad: Bajo Voltaje'. Únete a nosotros mientras exploramos el mundo de los sistemas eléctricos de bajo voltaje, desmitificando las complejidades mientras mantenemos la seguridad. Desde compr...
Electricity: Ground Fault Circuit Int...
This safety lesson focuses on the importance of Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) in preventing electrical hazards. It covers how GFCIs work, where they should be installed, and the dangers of ground faults. The video explains the importance of testing GFCIs regularly, identifying faulty ...