Near Misses and Accidents
Transportation - General
This "Near Misses and Accidents" lesson highlights the importance of identifying and reporting near misses and accidents to enhance workplace safety. It explains the difference between near misses and accidents, the role of thorough reporting in preventing future incidents, and strategies for addressing root causes. The lesson emphasizes proactive measures such as hazard recognition, corrective actions, and fostering a safety-first culture. By understanding and implementing these practices, employees and employers can work together to reduce risks and maintain a safer work environment.
Up Next in Transportation - General
Stormwater Safety
This "Stormwater Safety" lesson provides essential guidelines for managing stormwater in a safe and environmentally responsible manner. It covers the risks associated with stormwater runoff, the importance of preventing pollution, and safe practices for handling stormwater-related tasks. The less...
Caught-In or -Between Hazards - sp
Esta lección de "Peligros de Atrapamiento" ofrece orientación esencial para reconocer y prevenir riesgos que pueden atrapar, aplastar o comprimir a los trabajadores entre objetos o maquinaria. Cubre riesgos comunes de atrapamiento en entornos de construcción, manufactura y otras áreas de alto rie...
Near Misses and Accidents - sp
Esta lección de "Incidentes Cercanos y Accidentes" destaca la importancia de identificar y reportar incidentes cercanos y accidentes para mejorar la seguridad en el lugar de trabajo. Explica la diferencia entre un incidente cercano y un accidente, el papel de los informes detallados en la prevenc...